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Types of Hair loss


Types of Hair loss

The medical term for hair loss is alopecia. There are many different types of alopecia. The type of hair loss condition you have matters as treatment can vary widely. Time is critical when it comes to hair loss as the best results are often achieved when the hair loss condition is diagnosed early. Dr. Shyam has seen many patients who have been misdiagnosed or spent valuable time and resources pursuing failed treatments. At Mainline Hair Restoration, our goal is to empower patients so they can be educated about their specific hair loss condition and receive the most effective treatment plan under the expertise of Dr. Shyam.

The Following are The Most Common Types of Alopecia

Androgenetic Alopecia

The most common type of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia which is also known as male or female pattern hair loss/thinning and is the genetic and hormonal type of hair loss. This is the type of hair loss many people think of as balding or thinning. Despite what many think, the genetic component of this type of hair loss is inherited from both sides of the family. In many cases the patterned distribution of hair loss (with a relatively preserved “horseshoe” appearance of hair from ear to ear) is in part explained by the relatively high sensitivity of follicles to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in areas with loss versus less sensitivity of follicles to DHT in the unaffected areas. However, there are numerous other contributing factors and pathways in androgenetic alopecia beyond DHT including oxidative stress, inflammation, prostaglandins, etc.


Telogen Effluvium

Another common type of hair thinning is a shedding type of hair loss, termed telogen effluvium, which occurs with any type of physical or emotional stressor on the body. Causes of shedding hair loss or telogen effluvium include things like medications, pregnancy, febrile illnesses including COVID-19, surgeries, emotional stress, and many internal conditions such as low thyroid, iron, or Vitamin D. It is important to note that often the shedding in telogen effluvium does not occur until 2-4 months after the inciting stressor.

Traction Alopecia

Traction alopecia is a type of hair loss caused by prolonged pulling or tension on the hair follicles. This is a common form of hair loss especially in those who frequently wear their hair in tight hair styles such as tight ponytails or braids. It is important that tight hairstyles be avoided in these cases to minimize ongoing damage to the hair follicle as continued trauma from the pulling can eventually lead to permanent loss.


Alopecia Areata

There is also an auto-immune type of hair loss called alopecia areata. This is often the type of patchy hair loss that people think of when they hear the term “alopecia” (even though alopecia just means hair loss!). If alopecia areata affects the entire scalp it is called alopecia totalis. If alopecia areata affects the entire scalp and facial and body hair, then it is called alopecia universalis.

Cicatricial/Scarring Alopecia

There are other types of hair loss where the hair loss can lead to scarring leading to permanent loss of hair follicles. These include conditions such as lichen planopilaris, frontal fibrosing alopecia, central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia, folliculitis decalvans, and dissecting cellulitis of the scalp, among many others. In many of these types of alopecia, there is a component of inflammation early on with the scarring occurring later in the course of the disease. In these cases, it is important to shut down the inflammation as much and as early as possible to minimize the degree of scarring and permanent hair loss.

In some cases if the cause of alopecia is unknown, a scalp biopsy may be indicated to give more information on what the hair follicles and surrounding scalp tissue look like under the microscope and to look for inflammation, shrinking down of the hair follicles, the percentage of hairs that are shedding, signs of infection, etc.


Lab work may also be necessary to evaluate for any underlying conditions as certain types of hair loss can be associated with anything from certain medications, hormonal imbalances, low thyroid levels, low iron levels, low Vitamin D levels, auto-immune conditions, among other conditions. 


It is extremely important to see a board-certified dermatologist specializing in hair loss to get an appropriate diagnosis and rule out any underlying conditions. This is why Dr. Shyam personally evaluates each patient to ensure that the correct diagnosis is made and the appropriate work up performed BEFORE formulating a treatment plan.

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